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  • an armored knight lounging in a hammock, captioned love, laugh, live by the sword

    Changing the Pricing Model

    How does a company decrease the price of an enterprise product or service? I have written a few pieces on licensing enterprise software; Licensing Roundup might be useful background for this piece. A public company (and most private companies) can’t down sell their existing customers. That means they can’t reduce the amount of money they’re…

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  • Blofeld the villain archly states that he is beating Bond the hero at hungry hippos

    Why is Getting Data In hard?

    Maybe first we should ask why people say it’s hard. After all, this shiny modern world is full of one-liners to install agents, hook in libraries, listen to your provider’s pub-sub, or just post stuff at an endpoint. It’s never been easier to get data, and it’s not like writing to syslog was that hard.…

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  • Simpson's meme for Norton's Law -- bus driver says don't make me tap the sign, then taps the sign which says "all data approaches public or deleted over time"

    Norton’s Law

    There’s a great xkcd about the 10,000 people hearing about a thing for the first time today:.. so perhaps today is your day for hearing about Norton’s Law. In 2015, Quinn Norton wrote Norton’s Law in Hello, Future Pastebin Readers. To wit: over time, all data approaches deleted, or public. The subsequent years of data…

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  • Wile E Coyote realizing he has just run off a cliff

    Post-job whiplash

    Most salary jobs in tech come with large amounts of pressure: team sizes are designed to be small, roles are “flexible” in that everyone has more than one, and the migration to SaaS adds on-call responsibilities to roles that didn’t have them before. Companies pivot, they reorganize their teams into new shapes with new processes,…

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  • Michael Burnham and Sarek having a martial arts contest via katric bond at the Vulcan Science Academy

    Managing Situations

    I’ve written a bit about managing situations in corporate life. Whether managing up, down, or all around, everyone in the corporate machine has to face changes, renegotiate their responsibilities, make a plan, and act. For some this is as natural as breathing, for others it is a huge and recurrent struggle against character. An insidious…

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